In these early years, they’re still so little.
How much should we really say? We have to walk a fine line between totally glossing over something that deserves to be discussed and overwhelming them with unnecessary, sometimes scary, information.
The question that really got my friend and I thinking and talking was that of “stranger danger.”
Strangers, Berenstain Bears Style
About a week ago, Z asked me why we aren’t supposed to talk to strangers. I know that this comes from his love of all things Berenstain Bears.
We read Berenstain Bears books so often that Brother, Sister, Mama, and Papa Bear practically have their own seats at our dinner table. I have mixed feelings about these books, but that’s a topic for another day!
So anyway, in one of these books (The Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers), they deal with the issue of whether it’s okay to talk to strangers or not.

While—to their credit—they do sort of explore the idea that there is a gray area, it’s not really done in a way that a little guy can understand.
They basically talk about how kids shouldn’t talk to strangers, then acknowledge that not all strangers are bad and that you can’t tell just by looking at someone whether he or she is one of the few bad strangers, and then Brother talks to a stranger and gets in trouble for it.
Now, I totally agree that Brother should have gotten in trouble in this particular situation. He was going to get in the car of a stranger. Yikes!!!
But, they only briefly reiterate the gray area bit. Then, on the last page, their first rule for “cubs” about strangers is “Never talk to a stranger.” With no exceptions. It’s very black and white.
So, to my son’s 3-year-old mind, the moral of the story is: Talking to strangers = breaking rules = getting in trouble.
Hmmm. I don’t love that!
Z is a very happy, friendly kid who will respond to a stranger saying, “Hey, that’s a cool truck on your shirt!” with, “It’s a monster truck! It crashes over cars. I have four monster trucks at home. Do you know Grave Digger?”

And I like that about him.
Being super shy myself, I think it’s fantastic that Z doesn’t have the inhibitions to turn bright red and mumble “thanks . . .” when someone says something nice to him. I don’t want to scare that out of him by telling him he must never talk to strangers.
But then again, I don’t want him being so unafraid that he’ll walk off with anybody who gives him the time of day.
So when he asked me why we shouldn’t talk to strangers, I was conflicted.
What Do We Tell Them About Strangers?
In one of my rare thinking-on-my-feet moments, I was able to formulate what I think was a pretty decent response to his questions on the topic. When I shared the ideas with my friend, she seemed to think they were pretty solid, so I’ll share them with you now.
Without going too far into the weeds and detailing our whole conversation (it involved many, many “Why”s and a lot of repetition, as you might imagine), I’ll boil it down into a few key points:
1. Our big rule is Don’t talk to strangers unless you’re with Mommy or Daddy.
– I think that helps him feel like he doesn’t have to totally shut down, but that if an adult he trusts isn’t around (which I can’t even imagine right now), he should be super cautious.
2. Most strangers are not bad! But it’s hard to know from looking at someone if they are a good person or a bad person.
– This was adapted from The Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers. I just had to simplify it a lot for him.
3. A “bad” stranger is someone who might want to hurt you in some way or take you somewhere. Again, most people aren’t like that.
– Due to Z’s young age, I absolutely do not think it’s necessary to go into any more detail about what “bad” strangers are! I think that’s just enough for him.
Something to Keep in Mind
What I’m about to write is kind of gnarly and not actually good news.
It actually scares me more than it does reassure me, but I think it’s important, in the context of this post, to note that strangers are actually not the most common perpetrators of child abduction or sexual abuse.
You may be aware of this already, but here are a couple of statistics to back up that statement:
• According to the Polly Klaas Foundation, only “a fraction of 1%” of children who go missing each year are abducted by strangers.
• The U.S. Department of Justice reports that strangers account for about 10% of child sexual abusers.
So, again, this is not great news. I don’t like the idea that my kid is in more danger around people we know than around people we don’t know! I can’t imagine anyone we know ever doing anything to harm my child. I’d like to think that we would not have anything to do with someone who gave us even the slightest hint of being dangerous.
BUT, it does sort of reinforce the idea that talking to strangers might not be as dangerous and scary as some children’s books might make it out to be.
The Bottom Line
I don’t want my kid to be afraid of everyone he meets and shut down whenever someone tries to talk to him.
I think there is a great deal of value in chatting with people who we don’t know. That’s how we learn from one another and gain new perspectives.
However, I think it’s important to stick to and emphasize the big rule I listed above: Either my husband or I (or another trusted adult, but I didn’t want to complicate it for him yet) must be present if he’s going to engage with someone he doesn’t know.
Ultimately, talking to “strangers” is one of the very best ways to develop empathy and grow more compassionate. While we absolutely have to keep our kids safe and use common sense, we should not make them afraid of engaging with people they don’t know in all circumstances. It will close them off from a lot of really valuable insight.
I’d love to hear what you think! What are your rules about strangers? What were the rules when you were growing up?
I love your big rule (number 1). It’s cut and dry for a child and seems like it would relieve stress associated with not being sure. And thank you for pointing out the statistics. Information I knew slightly, but not this clearly until now–the relative risk is small, and if he follows rule number 1 it is pretty much nonexistent. Great stuff!
Thanks! Yeah I hope I’m on the right track with that. Of course it will get more complicated as he gets older, but this seems like a good start.
I think this is the best topic yet. very well written and I think it is very important to talk about the statistics of strangers vs. known people. Knowing our little guy it would be crushing to try and tell him “don’t talk to people”. He likes talking to anybody! I like the idea of talking to people while known adults (including grandparents) are around. It gives him boundaries.
Great job Kiddo.
Yes! That was my thought, too. He’s so social, I would hate to scare that out of him. Thanks for the support! 🙂
I think this is your best topic, yet. And one that really needs to be addressed by parents. I am totally against the “don’t talk to strangers.” And here are a few reasons why: 1) my husband’s (now 27) yr old nephew was taught to never talk to strangers. For the first 14 yrs of his life we got the pleasure of having him with us every Wednesday night. We always went on walks. I am the type of person who a) always talk to people on our walks (why my husband says our hour walks are always 2+ hours), b) I always keep a good distance between myself and a stranger and c) I always have an 80+ pound German shepherd at the end of a leash. When we walked on Wednesday nights, Pat’s nephew would walk with his head down, fear people and question why I said a friendly hello to a STRANGER. At the age of 27, he still walk with his head down, does not make eye contact and fears the world. If he was in trouble, I am sure he would be too scared to ask for help.
I think there is a way to teach children how to be friendly, not too friendly, not to get too close, not to get into a stranger’s car, not to open a door and let someone into the house, etc. At the same time we can teach them it is okay to say hello to someone walking by, say hello to someone in the store, etc.
just my two cents worth.
Thank you so much for that anecdote, Carole! That is exactly what I don’t want little Z to feel like as he gets older. And yes, we definitely need to balance out the “be friendly” message with the “be careful” message! I will absolutely be introducing those concepts in the coming years. I so appreciate your input!
I like your rile number 1.It’s something I am comfortable telling my child. I too feel telling them to never talk to strand kind of makes them develop distrust And they are too young for that.But the mostrich important thing for us to keep them safe.
To develop that particular ability of understanding a good from a bad person they would first need to interact with different people. That’s where your first rule is awesome. It’s a building block for developinformation good judgement.
Thank you for your thoughts, Amrita! You make a great point about talking to people being a way for kids to learn to distinguish “good” from “bad”.
Love this! We have had SUCH issues with this with our son!!! He’s Mr. Social Butterfly (takes after his father, ha), so we’ve had open conversations about it. We live by your tips (especially #1) but also talk about what to do in case he were to get separated from one of us in a crowded place. If he had the general “don’t talk to strangers” mentality, how would he ever know how to ask for help, y’know?
Great post!
Thanks so much, Megan! What a good point, that they’d be in big trouble if they were separated from us and afraid to ask for help. I hadn’t even thought of that! Thanks for your input!
There’s an approach that uses the concept of “safe vs. tricky grown-ups” instead of “stranger danger” to teach kids about this, and it made a lot of sense to me. (It certainly seems more accurate, given the fact that 90% of child abuse is committed by a person that the child already knows — a family member or a family friend/acquaintance.)
For example, a “safe grown-up” asks another adult for help; she would not approach a child who appears to be alone or just with other kids (playing at the park, for instance) and ask that child for help.
A safe grown-up doesn’t ask a child to keep a secret, especially one that seems weird or funny.
Read more about it at
Thanks, Miki! What a great approach to the stranger problem. I’ll definitely check out the link!!